4 Common Types Of Industrial Valves And Their Applications
Valves are devices used for controlling, regulating, or directing the flow of liquids, solids, or gasses in the process. Various industries use these devices to regulate flow by opening, closing, or partially obstructing the passageway. Manufacturing and processing units use different types of valves, and each type has unique functions and characteristics. Here are four types of valves widely used in processing. Gate valves They are basic motion devices designed for serving as closing off valves, and they allow the system to start or stop the flow of fluid along the pipe. These valves have a rectangular gate that controls liquid flow by lifting the rotary in the surroundings. They provide laminar flow in both ways and reduce the loss of pressure. Gate valves are ideal for flow systems in high temperature and pressure environments. Globe valves As the name suggests, globe valves have a spherical body with two internal halves. They help regulate the fluid flow where leak-proof is essenti...