What are Moog Servo Valves?
Moog Servo Valves are used in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as countless other applications, because they’re reliable, accurate and easy to use. But what are they? Read on to find out! Moog Servo Valves operate using input signals which move parts within the servo valve using air pressure or hydraulics. When an input signal moves the part inside of the valve, an output signal can be sent either to open or close a load port. The Parts Of A Servo Valve A servo valve consists of three parts: a small orifice, a spring and an actuator. The combination of these three elements work to regulate and control pressure. The orifice regulates how much fluid is allowed to pass through at any given time. A spring provides pressure, moving the spool back and forth against a stop, opening and closing within milliseconds to ensure constant pressure flow. An actuator controls how far open or closed it can go at any one time. The Benefits Of A Servo Valve A Servo Valve is a very ...