
What are Moog Servo Valves?

Moog Servo Valves are used in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as countless other applications, because they’re reliable, accurate and easy to use. But what are they? Read on to find out! Moog Servo Valves operate using input signals which move parts within the servo valve using air pressure or hydraulics. When an input signal moves the part inside of the valve, an output signal can be sent either to open or close a load port. The Parts Of A Servo Valve A servo valve consists of three parts: a small orifice, a spring and an actuator. The combination of these three elements work to regulate and control pressure. The orifice regulates how much fluid is allowed to pass through at any given time. A spring provides pressure, moving the spool back and forth against a stop, opening and closing within milliseconds to ensure constant pressure flow. An actuator controls how far open or closed it can go at any one time. The Benefits Of A Servo Valve A Servo Valve is a very ...

Why You Should Do Your Own Hydraulic Servo Valve Repair

No matter how careful you are, your hydraulic servo valve will eventually need to be replaced. This isn’t always easy to do and that can be frustrating if you’re not equipped with the knowledge you need to succeed in this sort of task. While you can take it to the repair shop, it’s best to learn how to replace your own s ervo valve at home because it will give you confidence in your abilities and help save money over time. What to Look for in a Servo Valve Before ordering your servo valve, it’s a good idea to know what you need. When searching for online hydraulic servo valve repair , keep in mind what your machine will be used for. Is it heavy-duty machinery that needs to perform under tough conditions? Or will it be used in a less demanding environment like commercial lighting or HVAC systems? How to Install a New Servo Valve If you want to do your own hydraulic servo valve repair, installing a new servo valve is actually not that difficult. In fact, if you’re handy and can f...

Pressure Control Valves: Why So Popular

Various designers who work with mechanical equipment in real-time know that proportional valve technology is the best ideal where precise performance is required in variable pressure and low temperature. Considered more complicated than solenoid valves, they provide dependable, cost-effective, and compact solutions for fast response and consistent control. Because of their convenience, high efficiency, and ability to interconnect easily, many are programmable with diagnostics, ultimately making them highly suited to industry 4.0 system design. This is also one of the reasons why people are looking for the WHY and uses of Moog Hydrolux because they are referred to as electrically controlled regulators. These directional valves are sometimes called switching and can handle flow directions, flow volume, and fluid pressure. Proportional Valves: Its Applications Proportional valves are specifically suited for applications where the output pressure must vary, either at the start or last. Th...

4 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Boiler Working Properly

Winter will be a great reminder of how essential a boiler is to a home. A boiler heats water and turns it into steam which circulates around a house producing radiant heat inside. In order to keep your boiler working properly to help you cope with the cold this winter, we will take you through 4 maintenance tips that you can easily follow. #1 Adjust The Boiler Pressure In order to propel steam through the pipes and radiator around your house, the boiler needs to maintain a high pressure. Check the pressure gauge of the boiler and see if it is set at the required  level. If you’re not sure of the precise pressure, refer to the user manual for the boiler. As a rule of thumb, the appropriate pressure is usually set between 1 and 2 bars. #2 Bleed the Radiators at Least Once a Year After using your boiler for long periods of time throughout an entire season, air might be trapped inside the radiators. These air pockets can prevent the radiators from heating up to the required level leadi...

Overview of Servo Valves And Their Most Prominent Applications

In the field of hydraulics, which is the applied science that talks about the mechanical properties/characteristics of liquids flowing through pipes and channels, a valve is used to control the flow of the liquid. Along with controlling the stop/start of the liquid flow, it can also direct the flow direction and increase/decrease the speed. In the market, you can find numerous types of valves; however, for simplification, you might be interested to see the opening and closing of the valves. For the most basic manual valves, they are more than useful for low precision work. That said, there are complex pipe systems that demand high levels of accuracy for the most optimized control of liquid flow.  In such demanding situations, engineers resort to servo valves for the best results. One of the most renowned names for getting servo valves is Moog. Their valves provide an exceptional level of control over the pressure, force, position, as well as velocity. While you are using Moog valve...

Things You Should Know About Proportional And Servo Valves

When we talk about the proportional valves and servo, we need to keep in mind that performances of the two have become somewhat less distinct over the years. There are some people who think servo valve is capable of precisely placing your actuator with the control of close loop. But, you will be surprised to know that professionals in the hydraulic circles regard servo valve as a motor drive. As for the proportional valves, professionals call them perfect for use with conventional spool and core tube armature setup. In this blog, we will explain to you key things about both servo valves and proportional valves. We’ll also tell how you can now buy yuken valve online . Let’s get started. Design of Proportional And Servo Valves If we take a look at the older proportional valves, we’ll find that their designs had a spool valve that contained metering notches and PWM coils to continually change the spool position. It can be said that these valves were not up to the performance but the only ...

Factors To Assess Before Getting A Proportional Valve

There are certain key applications such as flow applications or variable pressure where accurate performance is needed. In such applications, it has been found that proportional control technology tends to perform quite well and help in achieving desired outcomes. The best thing about this technology is, it is known for being dependable, fast, and cost-effective. And as far as buying this technology or products is concerned, there are companies online that sell top-quality proportional valve. You can buy, for instance, Hawe proportional valve online from such companies. Proportional valve are mostly used in applications such as analytical instrumentation, laser cutting, tire balancing, leak testing, spot welding, roll tensioning, PET blowing, and much more. Things To Consider When Getting A Valve If you are thinking about buying a proportional valve, you must take into account what variables are required to be controlled. For example, there are pneumatic proportional pressure control v...