Things You Should Know About Proportional And Servo Valves

When we talk about the proportional valves and servo, we need to keep in mind that performances of the two have become somewhat less distinct over the years. There are some people who think servo valve is capable of precisely placing your actuator with the control of close loop. But, you will be surprised to know that professionals in the hydraulic circles regard servo valve as a motor drive. As for the proportional valves, professionals call them perfect for use with conventional spool and core tube armature setup.

In this blog, we will explain to you key things about both servo valves and proportional valves. We’ll also tell how you can now buy yuken valve online. Let’s get started.

Design of Proportional And Servo Valves

If we take a look at the older proportional valves, we’ll find that their designs had a spool valve that contained metering notches and PWM coils to continually change the spool position. It can be said that these valves were not up to the performance but the only thing good about the was they cost less for changing hydraulic flow and direction. Since there was no way of regulating preciseness in terms of pressure drop, a dumb prop valve controlled the flow rate.

Servo valves, on the other hand, are known for providing good accuracy and quite responsive regulation straight away. The user can enjoy an inherent feedback which proves useful in obtaining precise flow irrespective of upstream and downstream pressure variations. This becomes possible with the help of torque motor design that uses flapper type of pilot valve. The servo valve has mainstage pool goes out of control because of flow forces. And because of that the linkage connected to the provides  direction to the flapper to open the pilot passage on the opposite side. The spool continues to experience pressure till the time it is able to center itself back with the flapper.


After reading about these two valves, you might be wondering what valve option you can use for your industrial operation. We will advice you use to yuken valves as their valves are the best. You can now buy yuken valve online at some great websites easily. There are websites online that specialize in servo and proportional valves only. You can contact those websites.


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