Important Consideration While Dealing With Hydraulic Valves

Hydraulic valves come available in all sizes, depending on international standards. Not only that, but they also come in varying mounting styles such as cartridge valves, flanged mounting, sub-plate mounting, etc.

However, three major categories of hydraulic valves are named by:

* Pressure Valve

* Directional Valve

* Flow Control Valves

So, when we talk about the reliability of hydraulic valves, even the most reliable and well-made hydraulic valves can break down and become fatigued. And a damaged valve can stop the hydraulic system from operating entirely, ultimately leading to problems, damaging productivity. Even some of the best Rexroth hydraulic valve repair services online would recommend you to know the difference between repairing a hydraulic valve or replacing it.

Replacing A Hydraulic Valve

Replacement of the hydraulic valve is only necessary when it’s significantly damaged from a lot of wear and tear. The damage can also be through an accident or an issue with the machine. 

Additionally, if some of the damaged parts are extremely expensive to manufacture would require you to replace the unit entirely, which is a more economical option. Also, if the hydraulic valve is old and fails frequently, it might be a good time to replace it. An expert would easily be able to tell you whether a replacement is required or not.

Repairing A Hydraulic Valve

Repairing a hydraulic valve will always be a more cost-effective solution. Sometimes hydraulic valves suffer premature failures for minor reasons due to some part failure. It does not mean that it needs total replacement. Remember that if only a tiny part of your hydraulic valve has caused your machine not to work, repairing should always be the first preferred option.

Repairing also lets you see which areas might face the most wear and tear and what other parts need repair.

However, ensure that you make your decision quickly after analyzing because the failure causes the production line to go down, affecting business.


If you are still unsure about what to do and how to decide, always prefer speaking to a professional. They will help you and guide you to the best outcome.


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