Why You Should Do Your Own Hydraulic Servo Valve Repair

No matter how careful you are, your hydraulic servo valve will eventually need to be replaced. This isn’t always easy to do and that can be frustrating if you’re not equipped with the knowledge you need to succeed in this sort of task. While you can take it to the repair shop, it’s best to learn how to replace your own servo valve at home because it will give you confidence in your abilities and help save money over time.

What to Look for in a Servo Valve

Before ordering your servo valve, it’s a good idea to know what you need. When searching for online hydraulic servo valve repair, keep in mind what your machine will be used for. Is it heavy-duty machinery that needs to perform under tough conditions? Or will it be used in a less demanding environment like commercial lighting or HVAC systems?

How to Install a New Servo Valve

If you want to do your own hydraulic servo valve repair, installing a new servo valve is actually not that difficult. In fact, if you’re handy and can follow directions, you should be able to tackle it with just an Allen wrench set. When removing an old servo valve from your equipment, first make sure all of your lines are shut off before removing any fasteners. Keep in mind that once a fluid line is opened, fluid will spray everywhere.

See How It Works

A hydraulic servo valve is an integral part of a servomechanism, or system that uses an electrical signal to control an actuator. The valve is closed when there is no signal and open when a servomotor receives a signal. Inside the valve are small pistons that keep pressure even inside of it. If there is fluid on both sides of it, then it won’t open; only when pressure acts on one side will it activate.

Things To Remember

Fixing a hydraulic servo valve isn’t terribly difficult, so long as you have access to a couple of simple tools, an hour or two and some information. There are times when you should consider calling in a professional for help with servo repair, but there are others when it’s better to try your hand at working on it yourself. This guide will give you a basic rundown of what you need to know about servicing these parts yourself.


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